FAQ about Spirit Babies…
I wanted to share my personal views, answers, wisdom and messages I’ve received on all things Spirit Babies in this blog.
Let’s start with the most common question, which is…
”What IS a spirit baby, anyway??”
A spirit baby is the soul with the intention of being your child. Spirit babies are pure energy forms that are going to incarnate. Spirit babies stay in the spirit baby realm (I call it the cosmic womb) until they’re comfortable taking up full residence in utero. They can have soul contracts that you and your parenting partner all agreed to pre-incarnation. Or sometimes you draw in a spirit baby while living your life or from interacting with a person who already has that spirit baby connected to them. Spirit babies appear to me first as energy orbs and then show me what they will look like on their projected path earthside.
”Do spirit babies know who both of their parents are before we do?”
Yes. It’s common for spirit babies to help get you two together as well. You can ask your spirit babies for help aligning you with their other chosen parent. I’m able to find out identifiable features and characteristics about your parenting partner from your spirit babies. Some people have multiple parenting partners.
”What about adoption and IVF?”
You don’t need to be the birthing parent to have a spirit baby connection. I’m able to see all of your future children, adoptive or step- it doesn’t matter. I also have met many men who have spirit babies who help them choose their mothers/birthing parents as well! I myself, for example, have had a spirit baby that let me know they may come through as an adoption. So that’s possible. Life finds a way. Spirit babies find a way.
”How come I can have spirit babies that AREN’T meant to come through in this lifetime, when some are? Why is that?”
Some spirit babies are meant to be grid-holders, making sure that the energy is balanced and acting as a permanent spirit guide for this lifetime. They have a soul that is meant to be your child though, but not always in this particular lifetime. Sometimes spirit babies are with you in the EXCEPTIONAL case where things go so well that they CAN come through, as a bonus, surprise, often third, fourth and beyond child… I have even communicated with spirit babies who had come through as a dog in their parents lifetime, after having been their child, or in preparation to be their child in a future lifetime. That spirit baby and parent/child relationship frequency is present, which is why that energy comes up.